Thursday, December 23, 2010

Teacher Gifts

Gift to Staff: sippy cup with peppermints

This empty bag once held home-made toffee eaten by teenaged daughter while I slept.

Whimsical Quilted Change Purse

Passion Fruit Soap and Moisturizing Lotion

the classic:
anti-bacterial soap: pomme/savon

Here comes the fun: Starbucks, Barnes and Noble and Panera!


Lindahl News 2 said...

I love that you posted your teacher cute! The biggest kick I got was seeing the empty bag that some teenaged person comsumed.

Spirit Bear said...

glad you enjoyed the fun!
I think you are the only person who ever reads my blog, but it is still fun to do (with it!)

Katherine Nicole Therese said...

I read it too! And I enjoyed the picture of the mysterious bag, as well ;)