Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Here's Our Boy!

One year since I posted a photo of Adam - now 15 months old. This taken with Andrea a very cold
day in October when they came to a cross-country meet. Cutest ever! Emma too.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Boxing Day

Click on the title Boxing Day to explore a fascinating English custom. This dates to Victorian times when servants and tradesmen were presented with a box containing gifts or money on December 26th or St. Stephen's Day. It also was the day the "alms box" at the church was opened and distributed to the poor. Alms or donations were collected during the Christmas season for this purpose. To this day the custom is followed in England. Since the 26th falls on a Saturday, the official Boxing Day will take place this coming Monday. The English are so cozy and quaint, don't you agree? I can't believe this website is from a "junior school" (ages 7-11). I have bookmarked it as a favorite, as a devoted anglophile!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Snow Walk

How funny that my last post was a walk in the summer. Same message only substitute "winter morning." With only 3 days left to prepare for Christmas what am I doing outside at 7:30 a.m. in a falling snow? Just meeting the day. This was magic. The birds and I shared this quiet experience. And at the last minute I decided I had to wear my Williamsburg cape! Oh, yes, picture this - a lone green hooded figure making her way along the snowy paths. Now I'm ready for Christmas: bring it on.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Summer is here!

What could be better than a walk in the park?

This is the best way to start the day in the cool of the morning when everything is fresh and the possibility of a fine day still stands before you.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Don't Mind Me: I'm Reading Pepys

I'm spending this year with Samuel Pepys, diarist and citizen at large in London of the 17th century. This includes all the diaries and a fabulous biography of Charles II to learn more of the Restoration. I think my trip to England went to my head! Click on the title Don't Mind Me for a link to the online version of Pepys's diary.

At the same time I will be reading War and Peace by Tolstoy and studying the Napoleonic Wars, as well as reading Proust's Remembrance of Lost Time (A la Recherche du Temps Perdu) in English and French.

See you next summer!

Adam Update

Here he is: four months old, smiling and charming the world. I love having a grandson! Here he is with Aunt Aimee.